Thursday, 17 June 2010

Songwriting Workshops - July & August Dates

Each complete course consists of three days' tuition, but, to maintain flexibility, we're happy for you to complete a full course, try just one day or choose separate days from each course. Both courses are identical, so feel free to mix and match and we'll do our best to fit in with your schedule.

For Further Details - please see our songwriting workshops page

Course One

Day 1 - Tuesday 27th July 10am - 5pm
Day 2 - Thursday 29th July 10am - 5pm
Day 3 - Sunday 8th August 10am - 5pm

Course Two

Day 1 - Thursday 5th August 10am-5pm
Day 2 - Tuesday 10th August 10am -5pm
Day 3 - Monday 16th August 10am - 5pm

Interested? Please contact us for an application form.

Other dates and workshops for other age groups may be available, please enquire.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


Welcome to our blog. We are based in South Wales and teach piano, guitar, music composition, singing, music appreciation and songwriting. This summer we plan to run a number of songwriting workshops for anyone between 14 and 18 years of age - details of which can be found on our Songwriting Workshops page. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like any further details.

We'll be using this blog to outline news, as well as to post articles related to songwriting, music appreciation and general music teaching. Let us know if there is anything you'd like to see included.